ホーム 〉 研究業績
研究業績 (Publications)
- Shota Nakata, Ryuichi Takase, Shigeyuki Kawai, Kohei Ogura, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Potential role of alginate in marine bacteria-yeast interactions.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 90(12), e0168324 (2024).
- Natsuko Katsuhiro, Kanomi Sato, Ryuichi Takase, Shigeyuki Kawai, Kohei Ogura, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Decomposition of brown algae in the ocean by microbiota: biological insights for recycling blue carbon.
Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 88(12), 1487-1495 (2024).
- Tomoya Kumon, Sayoko Oiki, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Molecular identification of hyaluronate lyase, not hyaluronidase, as an intrinsic hyaluronan-degrading enzyme in Clostridium perfringens ATCC 13124.
Sci. Rep., 14(1), 24266 (2024).
- Kenji Okumura, Bunzo Mikami, Sayoko Oiki, Kohei Ogura, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Expression, purification and preliminary crystallographic analysis of bacterial transmembrane protein EfeU for iron import.
Protein Expr. Purif., 219, 106487 (2024).
- 橋本 渉.
応用糖質科学, 14(2), p91 (2024).
- 日尾 守、村田 憲亮、髙瀬 隆一、渡辺 大輔、小倉 康平、橋本 渉.
日本農芸化学会2024年度大会 一般講演トピックス集, p52-53 (2024).
- 渡辺 大輔、橋本 渉.
醸造微生物の真のすみかとは 〜ワイン酵母研究に基づく一考察〜
日本醸造協会誌, 119(4), p142-148 (2024).
- Hisamu Iwase, Yuta Yamamoto, Akifumi Yamada, Keigo Kawai, Sayoko Oiki, Daisuke Watanabe, Bunzo Mikami, Ryuichi Takase, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Crystal structures of Lacticaseibacillus 4-deoxy-l-threo-5-hexosulose-uronate ketol-isomerase kdui in complex with substrate analogs.
J. Appl. Glycosci., 70(4), 99-107 (2023).
- Daisuke Watanabe and Wataru Hashimoto.
Adaptation of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to grape-skin environment.
Sci. Rep., 13(1), 9279 (2023).
- 橋本 渉.
京都大学環境報告書2023, p29 (2023).
- 長瀬 鮎美、加古 有宜子、渡辺 大輔、橋本 渉.
大豆たん白質研究, 25, p37-41 (2023).
- Kotaro Anamizu, Ryuichi Takase, Mamoru Hio, Daisuke Watanabe, Bunzo Mikaimi, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Substrate size-dependent conformational changes of bacterial pectin-binding protein crucial for chemotaxis and assimilation.
Sci. Rep., 12(1), 12653 (2022).
- Shun Yabuuchi, Sayoko Oiki, Shuma Minami, Ryuichi Takase, Daisuke Watanabe, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Enhanced propagation of Granulicatella adiacens from human oral microbiota by hyaluronan.
Sci. Rep., 12(1), 10948 (2022).
- Nobuhiro Yoshida, Ryuichi Takase, Yoshimi Sugahara, Yuko Nambu, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Direct production of polyhydroxybutyrate and alginate from crude glycerol by Azotobacter vinelandii using atmospheric nitrogen.
Sci. Rep., 12(1), 8032 (2022).
- Sakiko Nakatsuji, Kenji Okumura, Ryuichi Takase, Daisuke Watanabe, Bunzo Mikami, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Crystal structures of EfeB and EfeO in a bacterial siderophore-independent iron transport system.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 594, 124-130 (2022).
- Kousaku Murata, Shigeyuki Kawai, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Bacteria with a mouth: discovery and new insights into cell surface structure and macromolecule transport.
Proc. Jpn Acad. Ser. B Phys. Biol. Sci., 98(10), 529-552 (2022).
- 吉田暢広、橋本 渉.
廃グリセリンからバイオプラスチック素材へ 大気窒素活用型微生物発酵システムの基盤技術の開発.
クリーンエネルギー, 31(12), 35-40 (2022).
- Shigeyuki Kawai and Wataru Hashimoto.
4-Deoxy-L-erythro-5-hexoseulose uronate (DEH) and DEH reductase: key molecule and enzyme for the metabolism and utilization of alginate.
Molecules, 27(2), 338 (2022).
- Kenji Okumura, Yukie Maruyama, Ryuichi Takase, Bunzo Mikami, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
The role of calcium binding to the EF-hand-like motif in bacterial solute-binding protein for alginate import.
Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 85(12), 2410-2419 (2021).
- 橋本 渉.
化学と生物, 59(12), 585 (2021).
- 橋本 渉.
化学, 76(6), 29-32 (2021).
- 髙瀬隆一、村田幸作、河井重幸、橋本 渉.
生化学, 93(2), 257-261 (2021).
- Haruka Sugiura, Ayumi Nagase, Sayoko Oiki, Bunzo Mikami, Daisuke Watanabe, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Bacterial inducible expression of plant cell wall-binding protein YesO through conflict between Glycine max and saprophytic Bacillus subtilis.
Sci. Rep., 10(1), 18619 (2020).
- Nguyen Van An, Kohei Ogura, Miki Matsue, Norihiko Takemoto, Kanae Mukai, Yukari Nakajima, Hoang Thuy Linh, Yasunori Iwata, Takashi Wada, Wataru Hashimoto, Shigefumi Okamoto, and Hiroshi Ichimura.
Novel hyaluronate lyase involved in pathogenicity of Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis.
Front. Microbiol., 11, 552418 (2020).
- Hideki Tanaka, Kousaku Murata, Wataru Hashimoto, and Shigeyuki Kawai.
Hsp104-dependent ability to assimilate mannitol and sorbitol conferred by a truncated Cyc8 with a C-terminal polyglutamine in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
PLoS One, 15(11), e0242054 (2020).
- Shota Nakata, Mamoru Hio, Ryuichi Takase, Shigeyuki Kawai, Daisuke Watanabe, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids-enriched lipid from reduced sugar alcohol mannitol by marine yeast Rhodosporidiobolus fluvialis Y2.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 526(4), 1138-1142 (2020).
- Hidenori Konishi, Mamoru Hio, Masahiro Kobayashi, Ryuichi Takase, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Bacterial chemotaxis toward polysaccharide pectin by pectin-binding protein.
Sci. Rep., 10(1), 3977 (2020).
- 河井重幸、橋本 渉.
バイオサイエンスとインダストリー, 78(5), 396-397 (2020).
- 中田翔太、日尾 守、髙瀬隆一、河井重幸、渡辺大輔、橋本 渉.
日本農芸化学会2020年度大会 一般講演トピックス集, p56-57 (2020). - 麻生祐司、橋本 渉、村田幸作. 第9章 微生物の分離と増殖
遺伝子・細胞から見た応用微生物学(阪井康能、竹川 薫、橋本 渉、片山高嶺 編), 朝倉書店, pp136-150 (2020).
- 河井重幸、橋本 渉、村田幸作.
第3章 遺伝子から見た微生物の進化と細胞構造
遺伝子・細胞から見た応用微生物学(阪井康能、竹川 薫、橋本 渉、片山高嶺 編), 朝倉書店, pp31-52 (2020).
- Shota Nakata, Kousaku Murata, Wataru Hashimoto, and Shigeyuki Kawai.
Uncovering the reactive nature of 4-deoxy-L-erythro-5-hexoseulose uronate for the utilization of alginate, a promising marine biomass.
Sci. Rep., 9(1), 17147 (2019).
- Sayoko Oiki, Yusuke Nakamichi, Yukie Maruyama, Bunzo Mikami, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Streptococcal phosphotransferase system imports unsaturated hyaluronan disaccharide derived from host extracellular matrices.
PLoS ONE, 14(11), e0224753(2019).
- Sayoko Oiki, Masahiro Sato, Bunzo Mikami, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Substrate recognition by bacterial solute-binding protein is responsible for import of extracellular hyaluronan and chondroitin sulfate from the animal host.
Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 83(10), 1946-1954 (2019).
- Noriyuki Ogawa, Takehide Kimura, Fumi Umehara, Yuki Katayama, Go Nagai, Keiko Suzuki, Kazuo Aisaka, Yukie Maruyama, Takafumi Itoh, Wataru Hashimoto, Kousaku Murata, and Michio Ichimura.
Creation of haemoglobin A1c direct oxidase from fructosyl peptide oxidase by combined structure-based site specific mutagenesis and random mutagenesis.
Sci. Rep., 9(1), Article number: 942 (2019).
- Yuuta Yamamoto, Hisamu Iwase, Ryuichi Takase, Bunzo Mikami, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Crystal structure of Lactobacillus rhamnosus 5-keto-4-deoxyuronate isomerase KduI involved in metabolism of host glycosaminoglycans.
SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 2019B2557 (2019).
- 杉浦春香、三上文三、村田幸作、橋本 渉.
大豆たん白質研究, 21, p110-114 (2019).
- Yukie Maruyama, Wataru Hashimoto, and Kousaku Murata.
Structural studies on bacterial system used in the recognition and uptake of the macromolecule alginate.
Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 83(5), 794-802 (2019).
- 佐藤賢宏、久門知也、梶川幹太、村田幸作、橋本 渉.
日本農芸化学会2019年度大会 一般講演トピックス集, p46-47 (2019).
- 奥村憲史、三上文三、村田幸作、橋本 渉.
日本農芸化学会2019年度大会 一般講演トピックス集, p70-71 (2019).
- Keigo Kawai, Reiko Kamochi, Sayoko Oiki, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Probiotics in human gut microbiota can degrade host glycosaminoglycans.
Sci. Rep., 8(1), Article number: 10674 (2018).
- 橋本 渉.
生化学,90(3), 416 (2018).
- Sayoko Oiki, Reiko Kamochi, Bunzo Mikami, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Alternative substrate-bound conformation of bacterial solute-binding protein involved in the import of mammalian host glycosaminoglycans.
Sci. Rep., 7(1), Article number: 17005 (2017).
- Kanate Temtrirath, Kenji Okumura, Yukie Maruyama, Bunzo Mikami, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Binding mode of metal ions to the bacterial iron import protein EfeO.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 493(2), 1095-1101 (2017).
- Ai Kaneko, Kasumi Uenishi, Yukie Maruyama, Nobuhiro Mizuno, Seiki Baba, Takashi Kumasaka, Bunzo Mikami, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
A solute-binding protein in the closed conformation induces ATP hydrolysis in a bacterial ABC transporter involved in the import of alginate.
J. Biol. Chem., 292(38), 15681-15690 (2017).
- Fumiya Matsuoka, Makoto Hirayama, Takayuki Kashihara, Hideki Tanaka, Wataru Hashimoto, Kousaku Murata, and Shigeyuki Kawai.
Crucial role of 4-deoxy-L-erythro-5-hexoseulose uronate reductase for alginate utilization revealed by adaptive evolution in engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Sci. Rep., 7(1), Article number: 4206 (2017).
- Sayoko Oiki, Bunzo Mikami, Yukie Maruyama, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
A bacterial ABC transporter enables import of mammalian host glycosaminoglycans.
Sci. Rep., 7(1), Article number: 1069 (2017).
- Takumi Yamashiro, Kousaku Murata, and Shigeyuki Kawai.
Extremely high intracellular concentration of glucose-6-phosphate and NAD(H) in Deinococcus radiodurans.
Extremophiles,21(2), 399-407 (2017).
- 老木紗予子、中道優介、丸山如江、村田幸作、橋本 渉.
生化学,89(6), 866-871 (2017).
- 橋本 渉.
食と微生物の事典(北本勝ひこ、春田伸、丸山潤一、後藤慶一、尾花望、斎藤勝晴 編), 朝倉書店, pp122-125 (2017).
- Wataru Hashimoto.
Studies on novel enzymes for degradation of fragmented glycosaminoglycans.
Glycoscience 2013-2017 In Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience, pp96-97 (2017).
- 橋本 渉.
メールマガジン「Nutrition News」 Vol. 154 (2017).
- 河井重幸、村田幸作.
酵素工学ニュース, 77(4), 12-16 (2017).
- 河井重幸、村田幸作.
ビタミン, 91(3), 204-206 (2017).
- 河井重幸、村田幸作.
バイオサイエンスとインダストリー, 75(1), 42-43 (2017).
- Kenji Okumura, Sayoko Oiki, Hisamu Iwase, Masahiro Sato, Yukie Maruyama, Bunzo Mikami, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Crystal structure of alginate/metal-binding protein Algp7 from Sphingomonas strain sp. A1 at higher resolution.
SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 2017B2592 (2017).
- Masahiro Kobayashi, Hidenori Konishi, Yukie Maruyama, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Lateral-typed flagellin responsible for formation of a polar flagellum but not of lateral flagella in Sphingomonas sp. strain A1.
Microbiology, 162(12), 2042-2052 (2016).
- Yusuke Nakamichi, Sayoko Oiki, Bunzo Mikami, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Conformational change in the active site of Streptococcal unsaturated glucuronyl hydrolase through site-directed mutagenesis at Asp-115.
Protein J., 35(4), 300-309 (2016).
- Ryuichi Takase, Yukie Maruyama, Sayoko Oiki, Bunzo Mikami, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Structural determinants in bacterial 2-keto-3-deoxy-D-gluconate dehydrogenase KduD for dual-coenzyme specificity.
Proteins, 84(7), 934-947 (2016).
- Makoto Hirayama, Wataru Hashimoto, Kousaku Murata, and Shigeyuki Kawai.
Comparative characterization of three bacterial exo-type alginate lyases.
Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 86(5), 519-524 (2016).
- Sayoko Oiki, Reiko Kamochi, Bunzo Mikami, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Conformational change of bacterial solute-binding protein involved in import of glycosaminoglycans.
SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 2016B2574 (2016).
- 橋本 渉、丸山如江、伊藤貴文、髙瀬隆一、村田幸作.
化学と生物,4(12), 885-891 (2016).
- Haruka Sugiura, Sayoko Oiki, Bunzo Mikami, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis solute-binding protein YesO for sugar import.
SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 2016A2574 (2016).
- Shigeyuki Kawai, and Kousaku Murata.
Biofuel production based on carbohydrates from both brown and red macroalgae: Recent developments in key biotechnologies.
Int. J. Mol. Sci., 17 (2), doi: 10.3390/ijms17020145 (2016).
- 河井重幸.
化学工業67(1), 15-19 (2016).
- 河井重幸.
日本応用酵素協会誌 50, 29-30 (2016).
- 河井重幸.
第5章 代謝 1. 代謝と化学エネルギー.
応用微生物学 第3版(横田 篤,大西康夫,小川 順 編)文永堂出版,東京,85-87 (2016).
- Yukie Maruyama, Takafumi Itoh, Ai Kaneko, Yu Nishitani, Bunzo Mikami, Wataru Hashimoto, and Kousaku Murata.
Structure of a bacterial ABC transporter involved in the import of the acidic polysaccharide alginate.
Structure, 23(9), 1643-1654 (2015).
- Yukie Maruyama, Masahiro Kobayashi, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Formation of a single polar flagellum by lateral and polar bacterial flagellar gene sets in Sphingomonas sp. strain A1.
Microbiology, 161(8), 1552-1560 (2015).
- Fuminori Yoneyama, Mayumi Yamamoto, Wataru Hashimoto, and Kousaku Murata.
Production of polyhydroxybutyrate and alginate from glycerol by Azotobacter vinelandii under nitrogen-free conditions.
Bioengineered, 6(4), 209-217 (2015).
- Wataru Hashimoto, Akihito Ochiai, Chang Soo Hong, Kousaku Murata, and Ananda M. Chakrabarty.
Structural studies on Laz, a promiscuous anticancer Neisserial protein.
Bioengineered, 6(3), 141-148 (2015).
- Yukie Maruyama, Sayoko Oiki, Ryuichi Takase, Bunzo Mikami, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Metabolic fate of unsaturated glucuronic/iduronic acids from glycosaminoglycans: Molecular identification and structure determination of streptococcal isomerase and dehydrogenase.
J. Biol. Chem., 290(10), 6281-6292 (2015).
- Kanate Temtrirath, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Structural insights into alginate binding by bacterial cell-surface protein.
Carbohydr. Res., 404, 39-45 (2015).
- Yutaka Kawabata, Kousaku Murata, and Shigeyuki Kawai.
Significance of Ser-188 in human mitochondrial NAD kinase as determined by phosphomimetic and phosphoresistant amino-acid substitutions.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 468, 691-695 (2015).
- Shiori Yoshida, Hideki Tanaka, Makoto Hirayama, Kousaku Murata, and Shigeyuki Kawai.
Production of pyruvate from mannitol by mannitol-assimilating pyruvate decarboxylase-negative Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Bioengineered, 6(6), 347-350 (2015).
- Moeko Chujo, Shiori Yoshida, Anri Ota, Kousaku Murata, and Shigeyuki Kawai.
Acquisition of the ability to assimilate mannitol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae through dysfunction of the general corepressor Tup1–Cyc8.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 81(1), 9-16 (2015). (M. Chujo and S. Kawai equally contributed to this work.)
- Sayoko Oiki, Kasumi Uenishi, Yukie Maruyama, Bunzo Mikami, Kousaku Murata, and Wataru Hashimoto.
Crystal structure of Streptobacillus solute-binding protein involved in import of glycosaminoglycans.
SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 2015B2058 (2015).
- Shigeyuki Kawai, and Kousaku Murata.
Transformation of intact cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: original and modified lithium methods, and possible underlying mechanism.
Genetic transformation systems in fungi, Volume 1, (Marco A. van den Berg, Karunakaran Maruthachalam eds.), Springer, Switzerland, 187-192 (2015).
- Shigeyuki Kawai, and Kousaku Murata.
Transformation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: spheroplast method.
Genetic transformation systems in fungi, Volume 1, (Marco A. van den Berg, Karunakaran Maruthachalam eds.), Springer, Switzerland, 61-63 (2015).
- 丸山如江、立石 彬、金子あい、三上文三、橋本 渉、村田幸作.
日本農芸化学会2015年度大会トピックス集, p20-21 (2015).